
类球状 meaning in English



  1. How could we be sure that these globularlike clusters really were younger versions of the globulars in our own galaxy
  2. One way to demonstrate a link would be to identify two populations of globular clusters in old elliptical galaxies

Related Words

  1. 球状凝结
  2. 球状盖
  3. 成球状
  4. 球状大分子
  5. 球状关节
  6. 球状煤
  7. 球状簇
  8. 球状闪长岩
  9. 球状分解
  10. 球状化
  11. 类球形颗粒
  12. 类球形容器
  13. 类球状的
  14. 类球状细胞白质营养不良症
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