
等待队列 meaning in English

waiting queue


  1. Wait , it releases the lock and enters the waiting queue
  2. Is sent , only the thread at the head of the waiting queue is affected
  3. It releases the lock on the object and enters the object s waiting queue
  4. That indicates the maximum time to wait for the queue to contain a message
  5. Notifies a thread in the waiting queue of a change in the locked object s state
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Related Words

  1. 等待
  2. 连接器队列
  3. 等待的
  4. 零等待
  5. 等待成本
  6. 等待指示
  7. 请等待
  8. 等待飞鱼
  9. 等待处理
  10. 等待判决
  11. 等待电流静态测试
  12. 等待董建华发落
  13. 等待队列模型
  14. 等待发令员鸣枪起跑
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