
突变性状 meaning in English

mutant character
mutation character


  1. Doe to its exceeding sterility , the mutation was maintained by heterozygotes , and it was also inherited stably after five generations of self - pollination
  2. There are two views about seeds ' acquiring desiccation tolerance , one considers it is a quantitative characteristic , the other considers a mutation characteristic
  3. The segregation ratio of wild type plants to mutant plants in the population degenerated from heterozygotes was 3 : 1 , indicating that the mutant is controlled by a single recessive gene , and designated tentatively as tor
    同时,杂合株系呈典型的3 : 1分离比例,表明该突变性状由单隐性基因控制,并将该突变体暂时命名为tor 。

Related Words

  1. 还原性状
  2. 随机突变
  3. 终点突变
  4. 结构突变
  5. 突变率
  6. 声突变
  7. 对比度突变
  8. 正突变
  9. 突变表现
  10. 突变测验
  11. 突变性真杂种优劣
  12. 突变性质
  13. 突变学说
  14. 突变压力
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