空中霸王 meaning in English
- Super skymaster games - 4455 miniclip games
超级空中霸王小游戏- 4399小游戏 - Super skymaster introduction
超级空中霸王游戏攻略 - Super skymaster games
超级空中霸王小游戏 - The exercise this year will consist of a static display of search and rescue aircraft consisting of a c130 of the united states coast guard , a p3 of the united states navy , a c9 of the united states air force and a super king air and sikorsky helicopters of the government flying service and a search and rescue symposium by various participating units and a long range exercise in the south china sea
今年之演习活动内容包括来自美国海岸防卫队之大力士型( c130 )飞机,美国海军之p3型飞机、美国空军之c9型飞机、政府飞服务队之s76及h60型直升机及空中霸王( be20 )飞机作展,由参与单位举行之搜索及拯救研讨会,及于南中国海举行之长程搜索演习。