
真应变 meaning in English

true strain


  1. C ) was successfully carried out at 500 c with route c in which the sample is rotated 180 along its longitudinal axis in this study , obtaining a total equivalent true strain ~ 4
    本研究成功地实现了500时45钢的c方式ecap变形,等效真应变达4 。
  2. 3 . on the present deformation condition , the cementite in pearlitic steel has more severe plastic deformation capability t - he max shear strain up to 1 . 9 . 4
    C方式ecap变形条件使珠光体钢65mn中的渗碳体可以表现出很强的塑性变形能力? ?观察到的最大切变形达到1 . 9的等效真应变
  3. The results of pure cu show ecap can produce bulk material of submicrometer level indeed . as the number of passes increases , the initial structure of pure cu has been refined largely . after six passes , i . e . the equivalent true strain of 4 ~ 5 , the grain size gradually becomes stable and uniform
    对纯铜室温ecap晶粒超细化行为及组织稳定性的研究表明: ecap技术的确能制备出亚微米级的块体材料,随着ecap道次的增加,纯铜的组织被大大细化, ecap六道次(即等效真应变4 5 )后,晶粒尺寸趋于稳定,硬度基本饱和。
  4. On the base of milling ball interaction during milling process , the powder height of each collision can be calculated . if the impact of milling ball takes as hertz elastic collision , the maximum real strain and the maximum tangential strain are obtained as follows , e , . . , ln [ h , / ( h0 ? vrcos6 / 2 ) ] = vrsin6 / h0 ? / q , t2rt2 / 2om ~ h , j where s , , p , v are maximum real strain , the maximum tangential strain , friction coefficient and the velocity of milling ball
    对球磨过程中磨球相互作用作了一些假设后,可以计算出每次碰撞所获得粉末体高度值;将磨球的碰撞作为hertz弹性碰撞,碰撞时的速度分解为法向速度和切向速度得出粉末的最大真应变和最大切应变为湖南大学材料物理与化学专业硕士论文r 。
  5. The ultra - low carbon steel ( 0 . 001 % c ) is subject to a strain of ~ 10 by utilizing equal channel angular pressing of ten passes with route c at room temperature . the grain size is refined to ~ 0 . 3m and the resultant steel exhibited the yield strength over 678mpa with a reasonable good elongation of 47 . 4 %
    本研究成功实现了室温下超低碳钢c方式下的ecap变形,累计等效真应变达到10 ,获得了晶粒尺寸为0 . 3 m超细晶试样,其屈服强度达678mpa ,是普通热轧态的两倍多,并保持高的塑性。
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Related Words

  1. 低级应变
  2. 机械应变
  3. 长程应变
  4. 应变相位差
  5. 应变过程
  6. 暂时应变
  7. 应变试验
  8. 应变分解
  9. 应变比
  10. 断裂应变
  11. 真银矿石
  12. 真英
  13. 真应胆红素
  14. 真应力
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