电脑娃娃 meaning in English
small wonder (tv series)
- Mexico city reuters - high school students in the mexican state of chihuahua are being made to care for screaming , hiccuping baby dolls that run on computer chips to try to bring down the state ' s soaring teenage pregnancy rate . pairs of teen - age boys and girls aged 13 to 17 have to spend two or three days tending to the computerized babies , programmed to cry for food , burp and wake up screaming at night until they are rocked back to sleep . " you have to change their diapers , feed them and slap them on the back so they burp
据路透社2月22日报道,按规定,成双成对的年龄在13岁到17岁之间的男孩儿和女孩儿们必须花上2 3天时间来照料那些电脑娃娃,而按照预先设定好的程序,洋娃娃可以哭喊着要求“爸爸妈妈”给它们喂食, “吃”完了就打嗝儿,到了晚间则会不停的高声喊叫,直到“大人们”将其摇啊摇地摇进梦乡时它才会安静下来。