生死谍变 meaning in English
- Both films were welcome by audience . choi min - sik has gradually become a super star in korea . recently he has finished
于1999年,他接演生死谍变一炮而红,并获不少演员奖项。 - Later she returned to korea and starred in numerous tv drama . in 1999 , she gained stardom with her brilliant performance in
于1999年,凭著生死谍变的成功,她一炮而红,成为抢手女星。 - Right now , he has just finished director kim gi - duk s shoreline and is working on a new film by the director of
目前,他正忙于拍摄金基德导演的新片海岸线和生死谍变导演姜帝圭的新片。 - They moved the hollywood system over to korea . producers actually develop scenario from an idea and choose the right director for the project
:自从生死谍变起,韩国电影界就把荷里活的系统搬到韩国来。 - Han suk - kyu did not participate in any project . yet in 2002 , he has announced his return and is working on a new film called