
热脉冲 meaning in English

heat pulse
thermal pulse


  1. Point heat pulse method for measuring thermal properties of bio - fluids
  2. Standard test method for thermal diffusivity of carbon and graphite by thermal pulse method
  3. The heat pulse , however , has time to travel a few millimeters at most into the meteorite ' s interior , so organisms buried deep in the rock would certainly survive
    然而,热脉冲最多只来得及向陨石内部行进数公? ,因此埋藏于岩石深处的有机体必能存活。
  4. When used for resin bond grinding wheels , coating can decrease heat damage because its thermal conductivity is between diamond and resin , and can increase the tool life by 50 % ~ 100 %
    特别是在树脂结合剂磨具中,镀层的热导率介于金刚石和树脂之间,可以有效地减缓磨削热脉冲对树脂造成的热损伤,从而显著延长其耐用度,使树脂磨具的使用寿命提高50 % ~ 100 % 。
  5. Our results show that with the up to date experimental data , 13c can not sufficiently burn , the neutron number density decrease , the timescale of neutron source become long and these come into conflict with model of thermal pulse agb star
    研究结果表明,在新实验结果下, ’ 3c不能充分燃烧,中子数密度降低,中子源持续的时标变长,这与热脉冲agb星的现有模型出现矛盾。

Related Words

  1. 热迈内
  2. 热迈泰蒂斯
  3. 热脉冲流速仪
  4. 热脉冲探测器
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