灵敏度值 meaning in English
se itirityva1ue
sensitirity va1ue
sensitivity va1ue
- Systemic numerical tests are made first , to study the parameter sensitivity of cohesion and friction angle and other elastic parameters to the convergence in tunnel . some comprehensive parameter sensitivity laws have been draw thought these numerical tests . the method of emulating back analysis is illustrated secondly , in detail by tracing the excavation and supporting conditions by the special numerical modeling rested in final program
主要研究成果: ( 1 )建立使各个参数灵敏度值具有可比性的灵敏度计算公式,不仅得到了灵敏度分布规律,而且还得到了各参数对位移的量化影响结果; ( 2 )详细阐述了岩土工程仿真反演分析思路与具体方法; ( 3 )假定围岩为理想弹塑性模型,在可量测出理论上认为不可测的塑性变形、实现弹塑性位移分离的前提下,提出了弹塑性问题的分步反分析法。