
测地学 meaning in English

geoscopy; geodesy


  1. Universal decimal classification - english full edition - astronomy - astrophysics - space research - geodesy
  2. For global tests we need global data , especially on earthquakes , active faults and geodetic deformation
    对于全球化的试验,我们需要全球化的数据,特别对于地震、活动性断层和测地学变形。 ”
  3. “ we need global data , especially on earthquakes , active faults and geodetic deformation ” and “ we need a methodical approach and a better strategy for testing hypotheses ”
    “我们需要全球化的数据,特别对于地震、活动性断层和测地学变形” ,以及“我们需要一种系统的方法和试验假说的更好的战略” 。
  4. Some 35 years on , reflectors placed on the lunar surface are still used by scientists interested in geophysics and geodesy ( for example , how the moon ' s gravitational field shifts over time )
  5. Geodezie engineering , spolecnost s rucenim omezenym is well - known not only in praha 5 with geodesy , mapping and digital as well as with assignment , information and field , but also with further offers , like engineering , special and / or industrial plant , consultancy and spot

Related Words

  1. 地学
  2. 地学室
  3. 地学目标
  4. 环境地学
  5. 地学评论
  6. 地学家
  7. 地学论坛
  8. 地学分析
  9. 地学杂志
  10. 地学断面
  11. 测地线距离
  12. 测地线旋进
  13. 测地学的
  14. 测地学会会刊
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