
活血 meaning in English

[中医] invigorate the circulation of blood
◇活血化瘀 promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis; 活血通络 promoting blood circulation and removing obstruction in channels; 活血药 blood-activating drug; 活血止痛 promoting blood circulation and stopping pain


  1. The blood - activating and stasis - eliminating effect of
  2. Diabetic coronary heart disease treated with invigorat
  3. Study the analgesic effects of huo xie jie gu capsulae by the test
  4. Anti - germs and make the mind clear . , relax nerve
  5. Mechanism of effect of rolling method in promoting flow of qi and blood
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Related Words

  1. 活血丹
  2. 活血通经
  3. 活血汤
  4. 活血止痛
  5. 活血调经
  6. 活血化淤
  7. 活血散结
  8. 活血药
  9. 活血解毒
  10. 行气活血
  11. 活畜重量
  12. 活学活用
  13. 活血,通利血脉,通血脉,行血
  14. 活血丹
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