
泥堆 meaning in English

mud lump


  1. Bioremediation of pahs polluted soil
  2. I went a fishing , but caught not ; and having no victuals to eat , took my gun , but found my self very weak ; however i kill d a she - goat , and with much difficulty got it home , and broil d some of it , and eat ; i wou d fain have stew d it , and made some broath , but had no pot

Related Words

  1. 原子堆
  2. 原木堆
  3. 停堆
  4. 子堆
  5. 沉积堆
  6. 堆材料
  7. 寄存器堆
  8. 原堆
  9. 堆沙场
  10. 行堆
  11. 泥斗链节
  12. 泥斗叶
  13. 泥对
  14. 泥多边形
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