波澜壮阔 meaning in English
(声势雄壮浩大) surge high and sweep forward; on a magnificent scale; surging forward with great momentum; torrential; unfolding on a magnificent scale
- This book has unfolded the millennium latter mammoth humanity interspace epic poem
本书展现了千年后一场波澜壮阔的人类星际史诗! - He often gets together with the revolutionary pioneers such as song yaoru discussing his ideals
影片以诗一般的画面展现历史人物的心理情绪,展现一场场波澜壮阔的斗争。 - Each association ' s growth cannot leave the nucleus , just like without rivers pouring into the sea it can not be mammoth
每一个团体的成长都离不开中坚力量,没有河流注入海洋,大海怎能波澜壮阔,倾倒四方? - Every association ' s growth cannot leave the nucleus , just like without rivers pouring into the sea it can not be mammoth
每一个团体的成长都离不开中坚力量,没有河流注入海洋,大海怎能波澜壮阔,倾倒四方? - Women in the qing dynasty lived in a special period of time , in which class struggles and national contradictions arose now and then