水库系统 meaning in English
water reservoir system
- So how to manage these system uniformly and share the public data becomes the pivotal problem of the managers and workers
因此如何对这些水库系统进行统一的管理以及各系统之间的交互已成为水利系统管理人员和运行人员极为关心的问题。 - In this article firstly i analyze the development , features and architecture of the distributed system , and discuss the main distributed component technology and web services technology , propose a plan which implement the sealless integration of these reservoir systems with web services technology
论文首先分析了分布式系统的发展、特点和体系结构,然后分别论述了当前主流的分布式组件技术、 web服务技术。提出了以web服务方式实现各个水库系统的无缝集成和数据共享的设想。 - I have been worked hard at it for long time and propose a step - reservoir distributed system software architecture based on . net framework , which solve these problems discussed above . it implement the sealless integration of every reservoir system ? in the same time it offer the managers a friendly operation with web services technology