毛叶木姜子 meaning in English
hairyleaf litse fruit
- Pers . and l . mollis hemsl are similar in the major chemical constituents in their oil of fruits , the major constituents are citral , limonene , pinene , camphene and linalool . which showed that the 2 species are similar in quality
在果实挥发油成分方面,毛叶木姜子和山鸡椒的挥发油成分未显示显著差别,而山鸡椒的产地差异也没有在化学成分上体现出,这就证实了它们在品质上具有一定的相似性。 - Through studying on the ancient herbal documents , we found that the fruits of litsea lam had been used as " bichengqie " instead of piper cubeba before the tang dynasty , henceforth , litsea cubeba was included in pharmacopoeia as a substite for imported bichengqie . a survey of the botanical resource shows that 6 species with accurat effects are widely dispersed over sichuan province , including litsea cubeba ( lour . ) pers . ,
对四川省木姜子属药用资源的初步调查研究发现, 6种植物在四川省分布广泛,且疗效确切,它们是:山鸡椒litseacubeba ( lour . ) pets . ,毛叶木姜子litseamollishemsl . ,木姜子litseapungenshemsl . ,杨叶木姜子litseapopulifolia ( hemsl . ) gamble ,钝叶木姜子litseaveitchianagamble ,毛豹皮樟litseacoreanal (