正楷字体 meaning in English
round hand
- Please fill in the form with printed character in chinese , english or japanese
请用中文正楷字体,英文或印刷体填写此表。 - When completing a fedex expanded service international air waybill please type or print clearly , pressing hard with a ball - point pen and complete in english
请以英文打字或正楷字体清楚填写fedex新增国际服务空运提单,使用原子笔时请用力好让笔划清晰可辨。 - Using the form below , click on the numbered tabs at the sides of the form for explanations of how to fill out that section . when completing a fedex international air waybill please type or print clearly , pressing hard with a ball - point pen and complete in english
标准版国际空运提单时,请使用打字机或以正楷字体清晰书写,并用英语填写空运提单的每一栏表格,书写时请用圆珠笔并用力填写以保证字迹清晰可辩。 - Click on the numbered tabs at the sides of the form for explanations of how to fill out that section . when completing a fedex expanded service international air waybill please type or print clearly , pressing hard with a ball - point pen and complete in english