
模拟声音 meaning in English

artificial voice


  1. Analogue audio recording on video tape ; polarity of magnetization
  2. Measurements of the amplitude of an analog sound . the time intervals between samples is called the sample rate
  3. Telecommunications - interface between carriers and customer installations - analog voicegrade enhanced 911 switched access using network - provided reserve - battery signaling ; supplement
  4. Hanford and long first set up a virtual " box " filled with about 10 million carbon dioxide molecules floating about randomly , at the same density as the martian atmosphere
  5. Instead of describing sounds we must make up words that imitate them ; we must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the same page , and shorten or lengthen words at will

Related Words

  1. 声音失常
  2. 声音刺耳
  3. 声音宏亮
  4. 声音噪声
  5. 实录声音
  6. 蒙住声音
  7. 故障声音
  8. 危险声音
  9. 声音电文
  10. 声音载频
  11. 模拟声
  12. 模拟声波测井
  13. 模拟声音合成器
  14. 模拟生命
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