格罗诺 meaning in English
- " the idea of the cemetery niche , the worms , was always horrifying to me , " ana alonso , a widow from the spanish town of logro
西班牙罗格罗诺市的一名丧偶妇女将丈夫的骨灰做成了两只心形的钻石耳环。 - She has transformed her husband ' s ashes into two heart - shaped diamond earrings , which she plans to wear on a pilgrimage to the cathedral of santiago de compostela in galicia , a trip that the couple had hoped to make
西班牙罗格罗诺市的一名丧偶妇女将丈夫的骨灰做成了两只心形的钻石耳环。她表示: “将他留在冰冷的墓地会使我痛苦不堪。