
核能利用 meaning in English

nuclear energy uses


  1. Greater use of nuclear power should also help reduce china ' s emissions
  2. Effects of rural industrial structure change on farmer ' s net income per capita in donghai county , jiangsu
  3. Key measures to help achieve the goals are also specified : increase nuclear power use , promote clean coal technology , and develop biofuel

Related Words

  1. 核能规划
  2. 核能工业
  3. 核能级
  4. 核能面
  5. 核能推进
  6. 核能熔化
  7. 核能中心
  8. 核能心脏
  9. 核能工程
  10. 核能热
  11. 核能科学与工程
  12. 核能客船安全证书
  13. 核能力
  14. 核能面
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