
标准工资率 meaning in English

standard labor rate
standard labor wage rate
standard labour rate
standard rate of wages
standard wage rate


  1. Standard wage rate
  2. Standard wage rate
  3. Each column specifies a type of information , such as start dates or standard rates
  4. When you sort , you rearrange tasks or resources by specifying the fields that should control the order , such as duration for a task or standard rate for a resource

Related Words

  1. 工资表
  2. 工资员
  3. 工资税卡
  4. 工资定律
  5. 工资削减
  6. 工资额
  7. 标准工资
  8. 发工资
  9. 腐工资
  10. 工资存根
  11. 标准工资
  12. 标准工资等级
  13. 标准工作
  14. 标准工作成绩,标准性能,标准业绩,产量定额
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