暖风器 meaning in English
air heater
- Mainly used in wind guiding board of fission air conditioner in house , wind heating board , medical apparatus , stage lighting and industrial automatis equipment
主要用于房间空调器分体系列室内机导风板暖风器导风板移动空调壁炉便洁宝和各种智能气阀燃气热水器燃气灶等。 - Mainly used in air conditioner louver , small cooling , heating fan etc wind guiding doard of fission air conditioner in house , wind heating board
主要用于房间空调器分体系列室内机导风板,以及暖风器等导风板上,整机性能稳定,各项技术参数达到和超过了国家电子行业标准sj t10689 - 95 - Mainly used in wind guiding board of fission air conditioner in house , wind heating board etc . , stable and all technic parameters are qualified for national electronic standard of sj t10689 - 95