普华永道会计师事务所 meaning in English
- While pwc was paid 30 % more in audit fees this year , ernst & young did not see an increase at all
今年,普华永道会计师事务所获得了超过30的审计费用份额,而安永会计师事务所则根本没有增长。 - Scott berman , a miami - based partner in pricewaterhousecoopers ' hotels and leisure division , said hotels often don ' t see an alternative to making costly investments
斯科特.伯曼是普华永道会计师事务所旅游部门在迈阿密的合伙人。他认为旅馆经常看不到重金装修以外的出路。 - The moscow appeal court said it could not continue the hearings because yukos , the co - defendant , had been liquidated , leaving pwc in limbo after months of pressure from the russian government
近日,因莫斯科上诉法院决定驳回普华永道会计师事务所关于法院裁定其与已破产的石油巨头尤科斯公司合谋制造虚假审计的上诉请求,普华永道会计师事务所在俄前景变得扑朔迷离。 - Big four firm pricewaterhousecoopers ( pwc ) ’ s future in russua hangs in the balance after a moscow court decided to drop pwc ' s appeal case against a court ruling that it had colluded with yukos , the bankrupt oil company , to produce false audits