日中经济协会 meaning in English
japan-china association on economy and trade
japan-china economic association
japan_china association on economy and trade
- Japan - china economic association
日中经济协会 - " other economic organizations " , as mentioned in article 1 of the " interim provisions " , refer to those organizations which are engaged in economic , trade , technological or finance business activities but are not called companies or enterprises as such , and which also include such non - profit economic organizations as the japanese - chinese economic association , the japanese association for the promotion of international trade , the national council for american - chinese trade relations , and council for canadian - chinese trade relations
一、 《暂行规定》第一条中的“其它经济组织”是指从事经济、贸易、技术、金融业务活动,但又不称为公司、企业的组织,还包括如日中经济协会、日本国际贸易促进协会、美中贸易全国委员会、加中贸易理事会等非营利性的经济团体。