
无条件现金收购建议 meaning in English

unconditional cash offer


  1. Announcement closing of the unconditional cash offer
  2. Announcement extension of the offer period : unconditional cash offer
  3. Unconditional cash offer
  4. Announcement unconditional cash offer by aplus worldwide limited for all the issued shares in computech holdings limited appointment of independent financial adviser
    公告aplus worldwide limited提出无条件现金收购建议以收购骏科网络讯息有限公司之全部已发行股份及委聘独立财务顾问

Related Words

  1. 无条件承兑
  2. 无条件稳定
  3. 无条件抑制
  4. 无条件订货
  5. 无条件契约
  6. 无条件交货
  7. 无条件假设
  8. 无条件安全
  9. 无条件跳跃
  10. 无条件供应
  11. 无条件稳定性准则
  12. 无条件稳定准则
  13. 无条件现金要约
  14. 无条件限制
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