文艺协会 meaning in English
- The other librettist lyricist is pu yue . an award - winning writer , she has produced lyrics for many famous chinese composers and was the librettist for the opera " xi shi " , by barbara wang , who is the producer director of " yao ji "
剧本填词朴月自幼喜爱文史,曾出版散文集历史小说儿童戏剧故事传记小说诗词名句赏析等,年凭历史小说西风独自凉获中国文艺协会小说创作奖。 - The other librettistlyricist is pu yue . an award - winning writer , she has produced lyrics for many famous chinese composers and was the librettist for the opera " xi shi " , by barbara wang , who is the producerdirector of " yao ji "
剧本填词朴月自幼喜爱文史,曾出版散文集、历史小说、儿童戏剧故事、传记小说、诗词名句赏析等, 1 9 9 1年凭历史小说《西风独自凉》获中国文艺协会小说创作奖。