
收生婆 meaning in English



  1. And because the midwives feared god , he gave them families of their own
  2. Because the midwives feared god , he established households for them
    出1 : 21收生婆因为敬畏神、神便叫他们成立家室。
  3. And it came to pass , because the midwives feared god , that he made them houses
  4. So god was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous
  5. So god was good to the midwives , and the people multiplied , and became very mighty
    出1 : 20神厚待收生婆以色列人多起来、极其强盛。
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  1. 收生婆儿
  2. 收生
  3. 收生程序
  4. 收生婆儿
  5. 收生条件
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