提高购买力 meaning in English
raise the purchasing power
- If , on the other hand , producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost , this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller - producers , which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product
因此,在美国经济体制中,消费者个人的需求,加上商人获取最大利润的追求及消费者想最大限度提高购买力的愿望三者共同决定了什么应该被生产和如何利用资源来生产这些产品。 - Thus , in the american economic system it is the demand of individual consumers , coupledwith the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximizetheir incomes , that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it