推想的 meaning in English
- Rm : this , too , is a fine question . it ' s exactly the kind of thing i want people to chew over the next few months
这也是一个很好的问题。这正是我想让大家在接下来的几个月中认真推想的事情。 - Denser atomic materials followed in due course ; first helium , via the critchfield formula for h - h fusion , which can proceed in pur hydrogen
将近360亿年以前,差不多比现代天体物理学推想的宇宙年龄长2倍,互相反射关系组合构成物质和反物质开始进入的成对宇宙,因此,定义为三维空间。 - Nearly 36 billion years ago , almost twice as long as the age that modern astrophysics supposes to be the age of the universe , the set of mutually reflective relations that constitute the paired universe of matter and antimatter began to enter and , thereby , define three - dimensional space