
技术转让协议 meaning in English

technology transfer agreement


  1. We require that at the signature of the technology transfer agreement , you will provide us with the bank guarantee for the transfer of all payments
  2. According to rolls - royce ( which has signed a ten - years agreement with swiss firm mes - dea to market the technology for marine applications ) the zebar batteries have almost twice the energy density , in a reduced volume , than conventional lead / acid alternatives
    据劳斯?莱斯公司(劳斯?莱斯公司已经和瑞士的mes - dea公司达成了一项用于船舶设备的十年的技术转让协议)介绍, “斑马”电池组虽然体积减小,却能够比传统铅-酸电池多提供两倍的电量。

Related Words

  1. 转让支票
  2. 转让作价
  3. 货物转让
  4. 土地转让
  5. 贷款转让
  6. 转让权利
  7. 设备转让
  8. 知识转让
  9. 接受转让
  10. 部分转让
  11. 技术转让问题政府间小组
  12. 技术转让项目
  13. 技术转让协议的评价准则
  14. 技术转让行动守则政府间专家组
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