成绩册 meaning in English
results br>
- After the conclusion of a sports contest , the physical cultural administrative department must refund the deposit within 10 days from the date of receiving the contest summary and results submitted by the sponsor and the auditing report on balance of contest funds made by the agency with auditing qualification
体育竞赛结束后,体育行政部门应当在收到举办人提交的竞赛情况总结、成绩册和具有审计资格的机构出具的竞赛经费收支审计报告之日起10日内,退还保证金。 - Article 23 report on contests the sponsor must submit a overall contest summary , report a record of results and an auditing report on the revenue and expenditure of contest funds made by an agency with auditing qualification to the physical cultural administrative department within 30 days from the closing date of sports contest
第二十三条(竞赛情况报告)举办人应当在体育竞赛结束之日起30日内,向体育行政部门提交竞赛情况总结、成绩册和具有审计资格的机构出具的竞赛经费收支审计报告。 - Those who fail to submit a contest summary , contest results and an auditing report on the revenue and expenditure of contest funds made by an agency with auditing qualification to the physical cultural administrative department according to provisions shall be given warnings and may be fined between rmb 500 yuan and 10 , 000 yuan