
急遽下降 meaning in English

dramatic decrease


  1. During nighttime sleep , melatonin levels in the body rise , reaching a peak between 11 pm and 2 am , and then drop dramatically when a new day dawns
  2. Recent studies , and a napoleon wrasse report written by dr yvonne sadovy and a group of scientists about to be published , suggest that many wild populations of this species becoming severely reduced and that within the next ten years may disappear completely if the trend continues

Related Words

  1. 急遽
  2. 急遽下跌
  3. 急遽起动
  4. 使急遽上升
  5. 急遽直下
  6. 下降抽样
  7. 营业下降
  8. 增长速度下降
  9. 下降许可
  10. 负载下降
  11. 急遽起动
  12. 急遽下跌
  13. 急遽直下
  14. 急疳
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