
径向动量 meaning in English

radial momentum


  1. In theoretical analysis , the motion of radially - emitted electron beam in diode region and drift region has been analyzed , and the relation between radial momentum or current of electron beam and the guiding magnetic field has also been studied , then the possibility to optimize the guiding magnetic field has been derived . the motion of radially - emitted beam electrons in smooth bore magnetron and smooth bore milo has also been studied theoretically . at last , the motion of radially - emitted beam electrons in compound axial and azimuthal magnetic field has been studied

Related Words

  1. 动量原则
  2. 径向坐标
  3. 径向场
  4. 径向带
  5. 径向滚珠轴承
  6. 径向定位
  7. 径向热传导
  8. 径向载荷
  9. 径向斥力
  10. 径向球轴承
  11. 径向定位
  12. 径向定位表面
  13. 径向锻机
  14. 径向锻造
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