
康复科 meaning in English

rehabilitation department
rehabilitation faculty


  1. Application of self - rated health measurement scale in clinical patients with physical disease in the department of rehabilitation
  2. Eden health ? ? art therapy center , located in xinxiang , henan , p . r . china , is a website which encompasses a mental health facility , counseling services , as well as an art therapy center for mental disorders and the employment disadvantaged
    康乐园? ?艺术治疗中心,由新乡医学院二附院康复科艺术治疗中心薛殿凯主办,旨在为心理障碍患者等提供精神卫生、健康咨询、艺术治疗等服务。

Related Words

  1. 医学康复
  2. 康复知识
  3. 中国康复
  4. 常规康复
  5. 康复津贴
  6. 加强康复
  7. 医疗康复
  8. 康复观点
  9. 康复周
  10. 康复门诊
  11. 康复教育中心
  12. 康复津贴
  13. 康复科技
  14. 康复科技中心
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