广场恐惧症 meaning in English
- Shortly after meeting her husband in 1981 , she became a full - blown agoraphobic . following her own healing process , lucinda developed the internationally acclaimed attacking anxiety program , designed to help individuals overcome their fears and regain control of their life . this combination of techniques and skills are used today by hundreds of licensed professionals and health care facilitators around the world
白露仙自青少年时期开始便有严重焦虑及失调, 1981年与丈夫邂逅之后不久,她得了广场恐惧症,在接受治疗期间,露仙创作了国际认可的反焦虑方案,专为帮助个别人士克服恐惧,并重拾生命的控制权,这一套技巧今天广为全球专业人士采用,也被用于教育机构。