
平面面积 meaning in English

area of plane
flat area


  1. Less drift will result from making c with a few parallel caps , to reduce the heating effect of the oscillating current when spread out over a larger plate area
  2. Focusing on special items of the hvac design , such as the internal atrium , the chinese banquet hall and kitchen and the guest rooms in the building , this paper discusses about the principles of a proper design on the three items above , which should be followed to match the required internal environment for the building codes and the limitation from the architects and structure engineers . the internal atrium of tiandi square contains a very large volume

Related Words

  1. 平面
  2. 反应面积
  3. 防护面积
  4. 接地面积
  5. 谱面积
  6. 受体面积
  7. 天线面积
  8. 雨水面积
  9. 方向舵面积
  10. 偏差面积
  11. 平面门,全板门
  12. 平面面布置图
  13. 平面面积, 主翼面积
  14. 平面描影
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