工具性价值 meaning in English
instrumental value
- Criminal suit procedural justice has not only the means value but also the inherent independent value
刑事诉讼程序正义不仅具有工具性价值,也具有其内在的独立价值。 - External value is a kind of tool merit , intrinsic value is conducted right built - in realization the inner quality of civil conducted right
外在价值是一种工具性价值,内在价值是执行权本身固有的实现民事执行权的内在品质。 - In recent years , the academe criticized some mistake as " regard entity , despise procedure " , they appeal to regard independent value of procedure , but it is not enough to settle on the problem of regarding the
近年来,学术界对于“重实体,轻程序”等错误做法予以批评,呼吁重视程序的独立价值,但仅停留在重视程序的非工具性价值的问题上还远远不够,应当设计出实现程序正义的法制途径,使程序正义落到实处。 - After a survey the theories of the different schools , several weaknesses are detected : 1 ) these theories do not cover the value of individual education choice as comprehensively as they should , they are overly preoccupied with the instrumentality value of individual education choice , and their explorations of the constitutive value are inadequate . 2 ) their observations of potential regulations of individual education choice are restricted either to the government orientation or the market orientation
在对各流派理论主张进行梳理的基础上,本文总结出现有理论的不足: 1 、对个人教育选择的价值认识不全面,强调个人教育选择的工具性价值,缺乏对建构性价值的追寻; 2 、进行个人教育选择的制度设计时,往往局限于“政府或者市场”的思路。 - In the aspect of study , the acquisition of individual knowledge and the process of individual growth do not emerge independently in classrooms . the reason is that any knowledge relies on certain background to define its meaning . and the knowle dge has the function as a tool , hence it is necessary to know the applicable range so as to skillfully use certain knowledge