峰值储备 meaning in English
head room of peak value
peak handling
peak power handling
- The work of capacity management is finding a balance between the unused expense of having too much idle capacity against the risk of reputation - damaging problems from not enough capacity
在从压力测试下得到的当前压力(实际需求)和可用容量不同的地方在于真实的存在的容量-可增长的峰值储备总计或者处理需求不断变化的能力。 - The difference between the current load ( the actual demand ) and usable capacity from load testing is the real reserve capacity ? the amount of " head room " for growth or the ability to handle variation in demand
在从压力测试下得到的当前压力(实际需求)和可用容量不同的地方在于真实的存在的容量-可增长的峰值储备总计或者处理需求不断变化的能力。 - The difference between the current load ( the actual demand ) and usable capacity from load testing is the real reserve capacity ? the amount of & quot; head room & quot; for growth or the ability to handle variation in demand