山影 meaning in English
- They traveled to a village overshadowed by mountains
他们旅游到了一个被山影笼罩的村庄。 - The sisters and brothers felt strongly encouraged by the success of the recent yong - do , busan seminar , and while helping with that event learned a lot and gained extra confidence that master and the almighty power are always present whenever sincere hearts seek the way
尤其最近受到釜山影岛录影带弘法成功的强烈鼓舞,更促使蔚山同修决心举办讲座。因为在叁与那次活动的过程中,同修不仅学习良多,更深信只要真心诚意地追寻真理之途,师父全能的力量时时都会照顾。 - Once or twice in the day time , i thought i saw the pico of teneriffe , being the high top of the mountain teneriffe in the canaries ; and had a great mind to venture out in hopes of reaching thither ; but having tried twice i was forced in again by contrary winds , the sea also going too high for my little vessel , so i resolved to pursue my first design and keep along the shoar
佐立的眼睛比我尖,他向我低声叫唤,要我把船驶离岸远一点。他说, "看那儿,一个可怕的怪物正在小山下睡觉呢! "我朝他手所指的方向看了一下,果然看到一个可怕的怪物,原来那是一头巨狮,正躺在一片山影下熟睡呢!