
实际税率 meaning in English

effective rate of tax
effective tax rate


  1. " i believe that we should plan for further increases in tobacco excises for a period ahead , so as to keep the level of tax increasing in real terms and i am discussing such a formula with the minister for health and children
  2. Taking non - finance chinese listed companies in a share securities market as the example , the paper applies statistical and metric method , rational analysis and empirical evidence to study the existing situation of the debt maturity structure and its impact factors and determinants . with the help of spss , the paper analyzes 656 sample companies ’ financial data from 1998 to 2004 to describes the debt maturity structure ’ s existing situation , while applies their financial data from 2001 to 2004 to analyze the determinants of debt maturity structure . in order to analyze the impact of trade and economic developing level , the paper employs 1164 non - finance companies ’ finance data of 2003 and the data of china statistical yearbook ( 2004 ) . the paper also uses one - way anova and stepwise regression to help the empirical evidence
    其中,分析中国沪深a股市场中上市公司债务期限结构现状时,选取了656家样本公司在1998 - 2004年这七年间的财务数据;在综合分析公司成长机会、公司规模、资产期限、公司质量、实际税率和非债务税盾等因素对中国a股市场中上市公司债务期限结构的决定性时,仅选取了上述样本公司在2001 - 2004年这四年间的相关数据;分析行业特征和经济发展水平对我国债务期限结构的影响时,采用了2003年沪、深a股市场中1164家分布于12个行业门类的非金融上市公司为研究对象,同时,还运用了《中国统计年鉴2004 》中相关数据。
  3. Thirdly , based on correlation and multiple regression analysis , the thesis employs 165 listed companies in service industry , studies empirically inner influential factors of capital structure . it ' s concluded that leverage increases with rate of sales growth ; decreases with profitability , tobin ' q and non - debt tax shields ; and there is no significant correlation between firms " size , real tax , assets collateral value , ownership structure and leverage
    对我国服务业165家上市公司2001 - 2002年末财务数据进行相关性和多元回归分析,得出,企业杠杆和主营业务收入增长率显著正相关;和托宾指数、盈利能力、非负债税盾显著负相关;和企业规模、实际税率、资产担保价值、股权结构没有显著影响。
  4. As follows : growth factor , increase opportunity and non liability tax shield etc . empirical conclusion is coincided with theoretical analysis . however , actual tax rate , enterprise scale and dividend pay policy have great discrepancy with capital structure theory , equity structure has correlated with capital structure , each variable can not explain company ' s long - term liability rate

Related Words

  1. 三重税率
  2. 实际经验
  3. 与实际
  4. 实际模型
  5. 实际国民生产总值
  6. 实际塔
  7. 实际缩尺
  8. 实际送达
  9. 实际日期
  10. 实际库存
  11. 实际税额
  12. 实际税基
  13. 实际顺序存取
  14. 实际思想
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