
完全饱和 meaning in English

complete saturation


  1. In this process , the resource files can range from being empty to being completely saturated
  2. Clients who require non - magnetized smco permanent magnet must be acquaint with self - magnet equipments for the purpose of completely satiate and magnetize our products or codes
  3. 3 ) from the samples saturated completely by air to those saturated completely by brine , the velocities of compressive wave of the rocks increase obviously , with the extent of 11 . 73 % ; the velocities of shear wave change little or decrease slightly , with the average of decreasing extent of 1 . 21 % for shear wave 1 and 1 . 16 % for shear wave 2 . the difference of velocity between compressive wave and shear wave makes poisson ' s ratio increase obviously , with the average extent of 87 . 25 %
    3 )从完全饱和气到完全饱和水,珠江口盆地第三系砂岩、粉砂岩、碳酸盐岩及其过渡性岩石类型的纵波速度是显著增加的,平均增加幅度为11 . 73 ;横波速度变化很小,或略有降低,横波1平均降低幅度为1 . 21 ,横波2平均降低幅度为1 . 16 ;纵横波速度的这种差异变化导致泊松比显著增加,平均增加幅度为87 . 25 。
  4. Using the rock resistivity meter with simulating in - situ conditions , the relations between rock resistivity and temperature were observed from 6 sandstone samples with different porosity and permeability , while samples were brine water - saturated and subjected to certain confining pressure . it is found that the resistivities of water - saturated rock samples decrease in the form of power expression with the temperature increase . although the resistivity of brine water decreases with temperature in the same rule , it can not entirely account for the decreasing of rock resistivity . the cementation factor
  5. 5 ) the velocity of the compressive and shear wave for the samples saturated completely by brine increases with the increasing of confining pressure ( with the constant pore pressure ) , but poisson ' s ratio decreases . 6 ) some interior factors , such as the composition of rock , porosity , density and so on
    5 )在完全饱和水、温度和孔隙压力不变的条件下,无论是纵波、横波1还是横波2 ,珠江口盆地第三系砂岩、粉砂岩、碳酸盐岩及其过渡性岩石类型的速度均随围压的增大而增加;大多数情况下,泊松比随围压的增加而降低。
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Related Words

  1. 饱和甲烷
  2. 饱和怜
  3. 饱和勘探
  4. 光电流饱和
  5. 饱和覆盖
  6. 饱和法
  7. 饱和反应器
  8. 饱和模型
  9. 扩散饱和
  10. 饱和电平
  11. 完全保障计划
  12. 完全饱的
  13. 完全抱子
  14. 完全报酬基金
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