它山之石 meaning in English
variants of mafia rules
- Especially when china already a member of wto , the study of these three necessities is what the purpose of this thesis lies on
它山之石可以攻玉,尤其是在中国已加入wto的今天,这也是本文的目的所在。 - We design our own , but we also take in advanced technology from overseas , using on the dy labeling machine you ordered
它山之石,可以攻玉。我们自行研制与开发,但我们也吸收引进国外的先进技术,运用在您定制的dy贴标机上。 - " hard stones from another mountain can carve jade " , the way the us uses the institutional framework of nafta to pursue regional economic cooperation and implement its diplomatic policy deserves to be studied and referred to
“它山之石,可以攻玉” ,美国运用nafta这种制度性的框架来开展区域经济合作、贯彻外交政策的做法是值得研究和借鉴的。 - As the famous chinese saying goes , " there are other hills whose stones are good for working jade - - other people ' s advice is of help " , the purpose of this paper is to make a relatively full and deep research of seven widely used u . s . mother tongue textbooks , with the help of some other resources
“它山之石,可以攻玉” 。本着这样的研究宗旨,本文以七本现行美国中学语文教材为例,结合其它一些资料,对美国的中学语文教材作了较为全面而深入的研究。 - On the basis of summarize the commonness of allied nations agriculture surplus labor tra nsfer , analyses public point , sketch out the path of allied nations agriculture surplus labor transfer . " it mountain of stone , could besiege jade " , " withal history for mirror , could lead human can hear and see well " , hereby scout a way out for our country of the transfer of slather agriculture surplus labor
在总结各国农业剩余劳动力转移之共性的基础上,分析各国的特点,勾画出各国农业剩余劳动力转移的轨迹, “它山之石,可以攻玉” , “以史为镜,可以知兴衰” ,据此为我国大量农业剩余劳动力的转移提供有益借鉴。