学校午餐 meaning in English
school feeding school lunch school meal
school lunch
- Strengthen the monitoring of school luncheons
加强监管学校午餐 - Concerns were raised about the quality and quantity of lunches in the school
学校午餐的质和量的问题也是许多家长关心的问题。 - Background : nutrion provision in school lunch is an important determinant of dietary habits and obesity among adolescents
中文摘要背景:学校午餐的营养提供是影响青少年饮食习惯与肥胖之重要决定因素。 - The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the school lunch nutrition education program on the eating behavior of fourth - grade students
摘要本研究之目的在于?解学校午餐指导活动对国小中年级学童饮食行为的影响。 - The objectives for the program were to increase the intake of vegetables and milk , and frequencies of choosing healthier milk drink
经过六周学校午餐指导活动实验教学后发现: ( 1 )实验组学童在多数蔬菜的摄取量显著增加,控制组学童则显著改变。