奥伦治城 meaning in English
fort orange
- Built in 1624 by the dutch and completed in 1634 . its first name was " orlande city " and later it was re - named as " fort zeelandia " . because chinese people called the dutch the red - hair
原为荷兰人于1624年所建, 1634年(明崇祯七年)完成,初名奥伦治城,后改名热兰遮城,早期汉人称荷兰人为红毛,所以把这座巍峨的城称为红毛城。 - In july 11 of 1621 , the dutch occupied penghu and in the following year , they dispatched a ship to tainan and kaohsiung . they found that anping was suitable to anchor ships as they entered to tayouan today s anping harbor and in the following year , fuchien s commander - in - chief attacked the dutch and then they gave up penghu and built fortress in anping . they named it " orlande city " later re - named it " fort zeelandia " and started the period of dutch colonization
明天启元年(西元1621年)七月十一日,荷兰人率舰攻入澎湖;翌年,派船测量台南、高雄一带,认为一鲲? (今安平)最适合泊船,于天启三年(西元1623年)至台窝湾(安平港) ,用竹、沙在港口筑砦,以防土著攻击;次年,福建总兵俞咨皋进剿,荷人弃守澎湖,转占安平,筑木栅堡垒,初名奥伦治城(后改名热遮兰城) ,并兴建商行民房,从此展开荷兰据台时期。