失笑 meaning in English
laugh in spite of oneself; cannot help laughing
- There is no external driving force i . e . from their parents at all . i think it is related to the progressive movement proposed in china in the early 1920s . as sutcliffe writes , " with the may fourth reform movement , the practice of arranged marriage was abolished and free marriage instituted by law
但是后来的跟风之作大多都水准参次,当中部分水准之低,例如尸家保镳鬼片王之再现凶榜等简直像是小学生的实验习作,直教人失笑。 - With a peculiar and exotic visual setting that relies heavily on the use of cold and dark colors , 35mm film , that is much more delicate and reacts to lights way more sensitive than digital video , seems to be an inevitable choice . talking about the cinematography , the filmmaker is probably influenced by european art a lot
这部悬疑片著重气氛和环境的配置,不少场景都用色深沉,若以数码摄录机拍摄,不但事倍功半,吃力不讨好,而且在控制和调节上可能比拍摄菲林更麻烦,中大的数码阴阳路系列便是一个例证,那些搞鬼场面出来的效果恐怖不足,惹人失笑居多。 - On the contrary , the heroes are the two protagonists who are always treated as the scum of the society . this misplacement of the image of characters is very sarcastic . personally speaking , despite the bigger budget and production scale , i still think this movie is in no way comparable to
尾段大混战一场令人联想起《加油反斗四条友》的结尾,和该片一样,以政客和监狱管理人员为首的官方一派被奚落一番,贪心怕死的表现令人失笑;为人称道的大英雄则是以主角为首的小人物。 - On the contrary , the heroes are the two protagonists who are always treated as the scum of the society . this misplacement of the image of characters is very sarcastic . personally speaking , despite the bigger budget and production scale , i still think this movie is in no way comparable to