太阳盟 meaning in English
a man called horse
- The clan ? s women and boys take on special assignments to aid the assault to regain the sacred land
理查德哈里斯的演出依旧卖力,可惜七年后再主演《太阳盟第三集》时,已成强弩之末。 - In the 1840s , trappers with government backing push the yellow hands sioux off their sacred land ; they retreat into an apocalyptic spirituality , passively waiting for supernatural wrath to descend on their usurpers
以虐待狂式的酷刑场面轰动一时的西部片《太阳盟》 ,在六年后推出续集,仍然由理查德哈里斯饰演男主角? ?英国贵族约翰摩根。