
天空亮度 meaning in English

sky brightness
sky luminance
sky radiance


  1. Those factors made our study on daylighting far from the developed countries . some people try to solve the problem , and they did achieve in some aspects
  2. But those were not enough - cause there are many factors that affect daylight , we cannot grasped the rule of daylight change . so most countries in the world , made the outdoor horizontal illuminance of overcast sky as the daylighting standard
  3. This kind of standard wastes too much sunlight energy , so to change the situation , many people began to study the intermediate sky . now , they had drawn some conclusions . in our country , this kind of research did not go for a long time , and we lack of large amount of data
  4. But there are still many things need to do . to improve the situation , under the direction of my teacher , i began to observe the zenith luminance of clear sky and overcast sky . and after analyzing the observed data , i drew the zenith luminance in beijing

Related Words

  1. 天空波
  2. 天空观察
  3. 天空尽头
  4. 发射天空
  5. 撕裂天空
  6. 天空基地
  7. 天空湿度
  8. 乳白天空
  9. 天空罗盘
  10. 特高亮度
  11. 天空里的天堂
  12. 天空力量之书
  13. 天空亮度温度
  14. 天空龙战士
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