天然条件 meaning in English
natural condition
natural endowment
- ( 3 ) sidaogou landslide is stable wholly in natural state now
现状天然条件下,四道沟滑坡整体处于稳定状态。 - ( 4 ) by maximum equilibrium analysis , f1 , f35 , f3 fault crush in the man ? ade slope is in maximum equilibrium condition under natural load case , under rain or earthquake load case , it will be destroyed
泄槽段边坡在f35 、 f1 、 f3断层出露部位天然条件下处于极限平衡状态,在地震动荷载或暴雨作用下工程边坡将失稳破坏。 - And gulangyu - the " piano island " - is especially famous for its music culture ; it has the densest piano in china ; and it has developed number of topping musicians , such as lin junqing yin chengzong , and xu feiping . gulangyu people has built the art palace through their music
久负盛名的"钢琴之岛" -鼓浪屿,更是一个充满天籁之声的小岛,自古以来便具备滋生音乐文化的天然条件,岛上琴声阵阵,歌声悠扬,钢琴密度为全国之冠,音乐人才辈出。