
大有区别 meaning in English

poles apart; entirely different


  1. Mrs linton took off the grey cloak of the dairymaid which we had borrowed for our excursion , shaking her head and expostulating with her , i suppose : she was a young lady , and they made a distinction between her treatment and mine

Related Words

  1. 大有
  2. 大有奔头儿
  3. 大有前途
  4. 大有来头
  5. 大有学问
  6. 大有成就
  7. 大有裨益
  8. 徐大有
  9. 大有助益
  10. 大有用处
  11. 大有前途
  12. 大有前途, 有成就, 成功, 满足
  13. 大有人在
  14. 大有收获
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