大友 meaning in English
- Ceramic ball and precision ceramic bearing - dalian dayou
陶瓷球陶瓷轴承-大连大友dayou - Over a three - year testing period it was found that dayou precision bearings perform substantially better than imported precision steel bearings of the same size , service life and limiting speeds
大友公司的精密陶瓷轴承已进行了三年工业化试验,其极限转速和寿命均超过同规格进口钢制轴承。 - Dayou follows the development trend in international precision ceramic bearings manufacture and is currently aiming to establish a high - tech enterprise of international scope for the manufacturing of chinese top - quality precision ceramic bearings
大友公司“精密陶瓷球的制造”项目于2005年通过了由英国标准协会bsi颁发的iso9001 : 2000质量体系认证。 - Dalian dayou precision ceramic bearing co . ltd . is a sister company of dalian dayou advanced ceramic co . , ltd . and was established in may 2005 . the companys main products are precision ceramic bearings with specifications from 7000c to 7006c and a maximum standard of p4
大连大友精密陶瓷轴承有限公司成立于2005年,主要生产电主轴用角接触精密陶瓷轴承,规格范围目前为7000c hq1p4至7006c hq1p4 ,转速可达每分钟6万转。 - Based on the classic manga ( comic ) by osamu tezuka , the godfather of anime and manga , " metropolis " was brought to the screen by two of the most respected figures in japanese animation today : katsuhiro otomo ( " akira " ) and rintaro ( " x " , " galaxy express 999 " )