外籍教授 meaning in English
foreign professor
- Most of the courses are delivered in chinese for the chinese classes
即华人教授直接用汉语授课,外籍教授使用英文并配合中文交传口译授课。 - Chinese faculties teach in chinese , while english - speaking foreign faculties teach with chinese sequential interpretation
少量由外籍教授执教的课程可能需要学员递交作业的英文翻译稿。 - Mark is a standout student in hugh s class and trails him to a theater where they are producing hugh s gay play
Hugh是个外籍教授,年届中年的他,早厌倦了年复一年的面对一群群在班上呆若木鸡的学生。 - Post - handover hong kong , mark , a nineteen year - old gay college student , mark , is smitten with his english instructor , an older , frustrated british pla . .
Hugh是个外籍教授,年届中年的他,早厌倦了年复一年的面对一群群在班上呆若木鸡的. .